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Add code to remove fake and doubly counted hits from overlapping modules

Spyros Argyropoulos requested to merge (removed):hitTools into r22

Introducing a new function removeOverlapHits that

  • removes hits which are considered junk, which are hits passing any of the following
    • isFake (= hits coming from ganged pixel where the measurement ambiguity is resolved)
    • hasBSError
    • DCSState != 0 (= READY)
    • broken
  • removes close-by the hits on the same layer and have different detectorElementID. The closeness criterion is hard-coded to dPhi=0.004 and dZ=20mm as was shown in the slides linked below

There is an option introduced save_only_clean_hits (by default set to true). When this is set to false, additional variables (hasBSError, DCSState, isFake and broken) are written out in the h5 and considered in the counting (which might not make a lot of sense, so we might want to always write the variables and use this flag to only steer whether the hit counting also includes potentially problematic hits)

NB: for MC only the isFake label matters, the others always are fulfilled, but for data it will not be the case as the flags will be set based on the event number & lumi block.


All tests have been presented here

@thuffman @awesten @mguth

#40 (closed)

Edited by Spyros Argyropoulos

Merge request reports