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Trigger configuration cleanup

I went though and cleaned up the trigger configuration, both the python and json files.

In the python configuration this was mostly removing functions that duplicated existing ones and removing duplicated algorithms when we could use a single algorithm instead.

I also reorganized the json configuration for the trigger jobs quite a bit. But I also removed quite a few variables we were not using, and converted what I could to half-precision. This reduced the size of the output files by more than 50%. This also removes most instances of DL2: @sfranche, we should get a list of the ones we really want to compare and add those back.

There were a few other miscellaneous fixes:

  • Add support for "halves" in the jet writing code, previously it only supported tracks.
  • Made the "where" field in the dl2_configs a scalar rather than a list: there's not really a great reason to decorate both jet and b-tagging object anyway, and if you need to you can just add another dl2_configs entry.

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