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R22 nntc

Added the nntc (track classifier tool) track selection to the TDD, together with a flag "nntc_selection" that enables loading the tool itself and doing the track selection according with its score.

The tool works with the ca-dump-single-btag-fixedcone script; other scripts are not affected by the changes. The ca-dump-single-btag-fixedcone script now features the fixed cone association following a discussion on mattermost: .

At the moment, the tool works by locally loading the neural_net.json file in the run/ area, so that the tool is able to find it and load the model with lwtnn; do we want to do that differently? The json file of the networks is saved in the FTAG group are under /eos/user/u/umamibot/ftag-models/r22/nntc/20220519.

Edited by Martino Salomone Centonze

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