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Sort hits by dR to jet and add global eta and phi

Spyros Argyropoulos requested to merge (removed):sortdR into r22


  • sorting of hits by dR with respect to jet
  • global eta and global phi of hit


Before sorting

Spyros =============== jet pt = 350087 , eta = -0.317433
dR = 0.392507
dR = 0.318929
dR = 0.328999
dR = 0.314166
dR = 0.264661
dR = 0.285399
dR = 0.279053
dR = 0.19174
dR = 0.142543
dR = 0.155058
dR = 0.0446632
dR = 0.0235479
    -> save

After sorting

Spyros =============== jet pt = 350087 , eta = -0.317433
dR = 0.00664799
    -> save
dR = 0.00909586
    -> save
dR = 0.00914807
    -> save
dR = 0.0156501
    -> save

In 935 jets there were only 15 which had more than 100 hits with dR < 0.04 so if we keep 100 hits in the GNN with a dR of 0.04 the sorting would have a negligible impact, but if we use less it might have an effect.

To discuss

Is the eta and phi enough or do we need the global R? @svanstro @dguest @mtanasin

#40 (closed)

Edited by Spyros Argyropoulos

Merge request reports