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Closed as some things implemented already by other commits


Hi, @dguest could you explain why I get the error below (as discussed in MC extrapolation)

I am running dump-retag with EMPFlowRetagAthena.json config file.

The files I am using/have edited: dump-retag EMPFlowRetag.json - which is called through EMPFlowRetagAthena.

I would propose in general we just switch to ip_method = "rich" by default, like it's basically no slower than the poorversion.

You can see the changes I've implemented all together in the commit

For some reason, the printout still says: Py:MetaReader INFO Current mode used: lite

The error that I get using the files above is the following:

myGN2_FlipConfig.STANDARD_AntiKt4EMPFlowJets FATAL Standard std::exception is caught myGN2_FlipConfig.STANDARD_AntiKt4EMPFlowJets ERROR SG::ExcBadAuxVar: Attempt to retrieve nonexistent aux data item `::btagIp_trackDisplacement' (355).

I know you said retag works as it is now, but it's done the "old-old" way, so I think.

Unsure what I'm doing wrong, but if you could have a look. As I said in the meeting, I tried to make like while keeping the things that are there, but not in the retag_lite.

Edited by Vid Homsak

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