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Bump analysis release to 25.2.32

Dan Guest requested to merge dguest/training-dataset-dumper:bump into main

It's been a while since 25.2.27. We should update.

Looks like I have to disable some stuff that isn't supported in the new onnx version. I'm also taking this as an opportunity to clean up:

  • VMFv1 is crashing when I try to run the EMPFlow config. Removing that everywhere. Attention @npond
  • Removed the small-R UFO jets (they were also running some models that had similar issues). Attention @wlai
  • The JVT tool got very noisy1, so I replaced it with JetVertexNNTagger
  • The retag-lite configuration was crashing on zero track jets, had to flip a switch to return default values. Attention @vhomsak, but I don't think he's using the lite version anyway.

Closes #160 (closed)

  1. I was getting a lot of warnings like VarHandle(StoreGateSvc...ts_NNJvtCopy[1244316195])WARNING StoreGate/src/VarHandleBase.cxx:838 (void*SG::VarHandleBase::typeless_dataPointer_impl(bool)): could not get proxy for key AntiKt4EMPFlowJets_NNJvtCopy

Edited by Dan Guest

Merge request reports
