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add Vprime/Top-Philic_UFO_V1_v3

Philipp Gadow requested to merge pgadow/MadGraphModels:Top-Philic_UFO_V1_v3 into main

This MR adds a new version of the UFO for generating spin-1 top-philic heavy resonances.

Top-Philic_UFO_V1_v3 improves over Top-Philic_UFO_V1_v2 by having a restriction card for the 5F with massless b-quarks and by adding to the UFO the required parts for leptonic W decays (which the previous version was neglecting, consequentially all W decays had to be done in Pythia).

We prefer to keep Top-Philic_UFO_V1_v2 for a transition period of two months, if the new requested signals all look fine, we will make another MR to remove the previous version.

Merge request reports
