This project originates as a fork of the open-source project [Si-μ-lator](
**Si-μ-lator** is a package designed for toy muon detector trigger simulations. It allows users to simulate muons passing through a detector with geometry defined in a YAML file. Detector channels may register hits due to muon interactions or random noise.
> **Note:** This package is under active development and includes remnants from previous iterations that require cleanup. Use it only for tested functionalities included in the Continuous Integration (CI) workflows.
## Table of Contents
1. [Getting Started](#getting-started)
2. [Testing the Package](#testing-the-package)
- [Setting up the Environment](#setting-up-the-environment)
- [Running Testing Scripts](#running-testing-scripts)
- [Configuration File (``)](#configuration-file-configpy)
3. [Using the Package](#using-the-package)
- [Initial Setup](#initial-setup)
4. [Contributing](#contributing)
5. [License](#license)
**Si-μ-lator** is a package designed for toy muon detector trigger simulations.
- **Features:**
- Geometry of detector defined in the detector cards in YAML format.
- Directives for simulation in the detector card.
- Random generation of muons in x-y plane and raandom Theta Phi angle, limits defined as parameters.
- Detector defined as planes of tubes or strips on configurable dimensions.
- Easily change of background noise, detector
- **Use Cases:** Scenarios where this tool can be useful.
- Fast simulation generation
- Simplified detector geometry
- Simulate reponse under changes on background noise and/or detector efficiency.
#### Using container
It is highly recommended to use the same container used for the CI or do a multistage building using that one as a base.
To set up the environment with all necessary dependencies, follow these steps:
1. Use the container image available at:
2. Refer to the [Kubeflow Images Project]( for details on how to build the image and set up your environment using Docker or Apptainer.
#### Install requirements
Alternatively, you can install the following list of packages. Note that in general, upgraded version should work fine, but success is not guaranteed.
apt install -y graphviz
**pip packages**
### Running Testing Scripts
Testing scripts are located in the `scripts` folder and include:
- **``**:
Used in the GitLab CI. Accepts a card name as an argument, overwrites the configuration, and executes self-tests.
- **`self_test_sim*.py`**:
A collection of Python scripts for testing different simulation steps. Run with the `--help` flag for detailed usage. Requires a valid ``.
- **``**:
Sends jobs to the HTCondor infrastructure at CERN. Automatically generates the submit file and runs `condor_submit`. Ensure your environment and jobs have CVMFS access.
> **Tip:** The `` script runs as part of the CI pipeline. Review the pipeline results for additional insights and expected outputs.
#### Configuration File (``)
This file is central to defining detector topologies and managing simulations.
- Detector configurations are stored in the `cards` folder.
- Use a single `` file to ensure consistent settings across scripts.
- Avoid simultaneous work with multiple detector cards or modifying cards without rerunning simulations.
### Initial Setup
1. Copy the `` file to ``.
2. Update the paths and variables to match your setup.
3. When adding new variables, commit updates to `` to maintain consistency.
![Si-μ-lator](logo/black@3x_cropped.png?raw=true "Title")
## Si-μ-lator: Package for toy muon detector trigger simulation
## Usage
usage: [-h] -d DETCARD -n NEVS [-m] [-x muxmin muxmax] [-y muymin muymax] [-a muamin muamax] [-b BKGR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DETCARD, --detector DETCARD
Detector card
-n NEVS, --nevents NEVS
Number of events
-m, --addmuon Simulate muon
-x muxmin muxmax, --muonx muxmin muxmax
Generated muon window in X (leave empty for 0)
-y muymin muymax, --muony muymin muymax
Generated muon window in Y (leave empty for 0)
-a muamin muamax, --muona muamin muamax
Generated muon angle window (leave empty for 0)
-b BKGR, --bkgrate BKGR
Background rate (Hz) per plane
## Setup environment at SLAC