removing pp > Z' from SSM Signal MC (re)request [skip modfiles]
Description of bug
For ATLMCPROD-9528, the JOs had a line that turned on pp > Z'. This was not needed as the team only want p p > W' events. So the previous samples were obsoleted and now need to be redone from the beginning with the same JOs. For this, we'd need to patch the JOs.
Changes introduced
Removed the following line from the JOs genSeq.Pythia8.Commands += ["NewGaugeBoson:ffbar2gmZZprime = on"]# Allow Zprime
In addition, the requester also updated and evgenConfig.description in the old JOs. In old already registered JOs: = ["Huan Yu Meng,"] evgenConfig.description = "Wprime->WZprime->lnuqq with NNPDF23LO PDF and A14 tune"
In new changed JOs: = ["Alex Martyniuk,"] evgenConfig.description = "Wprime->WZprime->lnuqq 400GeV with NNPDF23LO PDF and A14 tune"
Issues resolved
Closes #