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Allow to run mc21_13p6 E2E jobs in CI

Spyros Argyropoulos requested to merge fix into master

Description of bug

log.afterburn doesn't contain ecmEnergy and therefore the EVNT files couldn't be downloaded - see #172 (closed)

Changes introduced

  • Hardcode ecm energies in scope of EVNT files that are downloaded for E2E jobs
  • Some fixes in the logic checking (I wonder how it was working before)


Successful test here:

NB: Releases 22.6.12-22.6.15 will crash because of the issue described in #172 (closed) so we should just skip the athena jobs there (for E2E jO)

Issues resolved

Closes #172 (closed)

Edited by Spyros Argyropoulos

Merge request reports