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Switching to 5FS and adjusting safe factor [skip modfiles]

Marisilvia Donadelli requested to merge myBranch_silvinha into master

Changes introduced

  1. Switch from a 4 flavors scheme to 5 flavors scheme ⇒ In agreement with VBF HH → bbγγ, matches default settings for other VBF samples (see

  2. Replace the previous safe factor (was set to 30) by 1.1. The safe factor was set to 30 by mistake as there is no filter for this process (so no need to worry about filter efficiency).


The MC event generation speed is improved by an order of magnitude compared to Run 2 :) with the safe factor set to 1.1.

More details in this presentation:

JIRA ticket for reference: ATLMCPROD-10960

Issues resolved

Closes #

Edited by Spyros Argyropoulos

Merge request reports