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Updating gridpack input tarball and symlink [skip modfiles]

Marisilvia Donadelli requested to merge silvinhaLHEprod into master

Changes introduced

Update the gridpack input tarball for k_lambda = 1.0 LHE file production and corresponding symlink.


LHE production request for 3 k_lambda values (0, 1.0, 5.0) using Athena release 21.6.103 is about to be submitted:

For reference, see LHE JOs registered for :

LHE JO for k_lambda = 0 (

LHE JO for k_lambda = 5 (

and the corresponding JIRA: ATLMCPROD-10887

Issues resolved

Closes #

Edited by Spyros Argyropoulos

Merge request reports
