Modification of the MG control file in 523101 @ancuetog
Summary of modifications: look at the JIRA comments for the detail,
- Remove CM-energy settings from the MG control file in 523101. Set the control file to use include("GeneratorFilters/") instead of the local file.
- Remove local from 523101 and 510392-510397.
We have tested the new setup locally to compare the x-section and filter efficiency. Both are consistent. NEW -- Cross-section : 3.348 +- 0.001842 pb OLD -- Cross-section : 3.348 +- 0.001842 pb
NEW -- Filter Efficiency = 0.436624 [20000 / 45806] OLD -- Filter Efficiency = 0.436929 [20000 / 45774]
The local and the one in the "GeneratorFilters/" are identical. So the local files in the DSID directory are removed.