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Fixes for ATLMCPROD-8602 JO, adding link to for each DSID.

Judita Mamuzic requested to merge mamuzic_8602 into master

Description of bug

Two bugs were found when EVNT production in ATLMCPROD-8602 failed.

  • The was linked in the control file using the hard coded location, instead of importing it from the current location.
  • Instead of running inclusive production for N2C1, N1C1, C1C1, N2N1, many processes stayed commented out, and only N2C1+ was running.

Changes introduced

Two fixes:

  • In the control file include a local Also, added soft links to for each DSID.
  • Including all productions for N2C1, N1C1, C1C1, N2N1 in the control file, i.e. they are un-commented.


Issues resolved

Closes #

Merge request reports
