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Remove log.generate.short from commit if external LHE is used

Spyros Argyropoulos requested to merge fixlp into master

Description of bug

hen external LHE files are used log.generate.short is added to the commit but run_athena just skips the job without producing any log.generate_ci file. Then the check_logParser job thinks this is a bug because if log.generate.short is present log.generate_ci should also be present as well at this point in the CI and complains see !652 (merged)

Changes introduced

During check_logParser CI job check if the log.generate.short file contains inputGeneratorFile and if so just git rm the log.generate.short and continue


Successfull test here: inputGeneratorFile based on the problematic jO from !652 (merged)


Issues resolved

Closes #122 (closed)

Merge request reports
