Leptonic channel MavTop with dark photon signal sample 9 of 9 checklist items completed!2675
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monoSbb signal request (3rd round) 9 of 9 checklist items completed!2673
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HI CEP yy SC jo 9 of 9 checklist items completed!2669
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W'> WZ and A0 > HZ 9 of 9 checklist items completed!2668
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ssWWhjj signal (W decay leptonically, H>bb) 9 of 9 checklist items completed!2666
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tt Powheg+MadSpin with special b UFO model 8 of 9 checklist items completed!2664
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bb4l with width weights, splitting kernel variation wgts and all lepton flavours 9 of 9 checklist items completed!2663
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Sherpa 2.2.14: off-shell leptonic and on-shell semi-leptonic VV-QCD samples 9 of 9 checklist items completed!2662
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MGPy8 vertex function aTGC samples for Z(nunu)Z(ll) 9 of 9 checklist items completed!2661
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Sherpa 2.2.14 WZZ and ZZZ inclusive 9 of 9 checklist items completed!2660
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Sherpa 2.2.14 W(-->qq)y with myy>95 GeV 9 of 9 checklist items completed!2659
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Pentaquark (inclusive production) to J/psi Xi- JOs 9 of 9 checklist items completed!2658
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H->aa->2b2mu JOs for Run 3 8 of 9 checklist items completed!2656
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