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  • John Chapman's avatar
    Updating geometry classes to match Geant4 10.4 versions · e10f4678
    John Chapman authored
    Updates from Evgueni Tcherniaev. All files under source/geometry/management
    match the versions in the trunk of the G4 SVN repo as of 27/06/2017.
    All files under source/geometry/solids/CSG match the versions in the trunk
    of the G4 SVN repo as of 27/06/2017, except for where a FatalException
    in G4Trap::MakePlanes has been replaced by JustWarning. The G4Trd class
    has been fixed to accept Dx/Dy equal to zero where appropriate.
    Under source/geometry/solids/specific G4PolyCone and G4Polyhedra match the
    versions in the trunk of the G4 SVN repo as of 27/06/2017. G4VFacet,
    G4TriangularFacet and G4QuadrangularFacet have been updated, but modified
    to be compatible with G4 10.1.p03.
    Updating geometry classes to match Geant4 10.4 versions
    John Chapman authored
    Updates from Evgueni Tcherniaev. All files under source/geometry/management
    match the versions in the trunk of the G4 SVN repo as of 27/06/2017.
    All files under source/geometry/solids/CSG match the versions in the trunk
    of the G4 SVN repo as of 27/06/2017, except for where a FatalException
    in G4Trap::MakePlanes has been replaced by JustWarning. The G4Trd class
    has been fixed to accept Dx/Dy equal to zero where appropriate.
    Under source/geometry/solids/specific G4PolyCone and G4Polyhedra match the
    versions in the trunk of the G4 SVN repo as of 27/06/2017. G4VFacet,
    G4TriangularFacet and G4QuadrangularFacet have been updated, but modified
    to be compatible with G4 10.1.p03.