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Insert MonGroup for a SMK

Mark Stockton requested to merge monGroupCleanup into master

Fix for passing dbalias from insertMenu to insertMonGroup

Cleanup and consistency between scripts

  • e.g. read rather than write access, comments, removal of existingConnection

Some changes were taken from: !23 (merged)

@ballbroo existingConnection was removed as it wasn't being used. In your changes you have the better fix to actually make use of it so that can be added back when we merge your changes, but should only be added if we really are using it

Tested insertALL by uploading to ATN DB, get the MonGroup message:

$ --dbalias TRIGGERDBATN --comment "InsertAll testing" --directory ./NightlyJSON
Inserted Monitoring Group Dev_pp_run3_v1 (version 1) into the Monitoring Group table with index 11, linked to SMK 457.
Key Summary:
 SMK | L1PSK | HLTPSK | Comment
 457 |   401 |    524 | InsertAll testing

Tested listing and extracting from REPR

$ --smk 47 --dbalias TRIGGERDBREPR_RUN3
The SMK 47 is associated to 1 Monitoring Groups.
Monitoring Groups are
 ID | In Use? | comment
  4 |       1 | Reprocessing for 2022-07-06T2101,22.0 from test_trigP1_v1PhysP1_build 
$ --smk 47 --dbalias TRIGGERDBREPR_RUN3
wrote file MonitoringGroupSMK_47.json

Checked that the MonGroup files are consistent between the two DBs and the files from the nightly

@palacino @astruebi @khoo @sshaw - will push these changes to the tdaq release and deploy on afs, so that in future MonGroups will be automatically added to any SMK's

Merge request reports