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DB lookup changes needed for ART

Benedict Allbrooke requested to merge eosarea into master

For ART need to replace afs with eos for db authentication lookup.

Discussion of using service account area on eos for this so made use of existing account trigcomm not currently being used for anything and setup /eos/home-t/trigcomm/.dbauth/run3 to mirror structure on afs. Access writes acl of this set via CERNBox so set for @ballbroo, @mark and service account artprod (I believe that's the one which runs ART) to have access which meets CERN policy on keeping authentication details sufficiently private.

Each insert/upload script will then use eos if version in afs is not available.

Will test more fully running something similar to existing cron after this weekend when there is two more nightlies to use but in principle I think is working. Tested so far by breaking the afs path in an upload script and seeing operation flip to use eos authentication.

Edited by Benedict Allbrooke

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