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"isolov submitted AccessManager with tag master for tdaq-11-02-01"

Igor Soloviev requested to merge isolov/tdaq-11-02-01/AccessManager into tdaq-11-02-01

=== AccessManager ===

add /dsk1/AccessManager/cfg/client.cfg as deafult config file and improve config file error reporting (Igor Soloviev) add new RDB resource category to the meta file (Igor Soloviev) release notes fixes (Igor Soloviev) add release notes for tdaq-11-02-00 release (Igor Soloviev) spec file with macro with correct service name (sami) add SEAM model to high level design (sami) fix typo in spec with-conf (sami) spec file with def RPM macros %attr (sami) save cache files with 755 permissions (sami) add search for frequency of self vs admin role assignement and enabling with small (sample) history file (Sami Perrin) add trailing slash to detail graph routes and hosts match route (sami) fix url preffix while building in too (Sami Perrin) fix route preffix in settings (Sami Perrin) fix route prefix (Sami Perrin) fix graph explorer filters appearance, lastUpdate route (Sami Perrin) add transitive reduction filter to graph explorer (Sami Perrin) add change password section in documentation (Sami Perrin) detail tuto (Sami Perrin) add details to tutorial (Sami Perrin) finish histogram, add coments, finish tutorial (Sami Perrin) add untis and labels (sami) SVG histogram (Sami Perrin) add benchmarks (Sami Perrin) begining of controller for tutorial (Sami Perrin) secret key mode 600, with newline at the end of file (Sami Perrin) fix link (Sami Perrin) add syntax to code snipet (Sami Perrin) add to tutorial navbar, router and controller (Sami Perrin) remove secret key generation from rpm (Sami Perrin) allow login with Enter key (Sami Perrin) fix tutorial documentation (Sami Perrin) backend part of tutorial (Sami Perrin) add seam (Sami Perrin) fix last update timeout calculation for the case when lastUpdate is in the future (Sami Perrin) force django to be in prod (DEBUG=False) when packaging (Sami Perrin) parametrized display of dataviz in landing page, default is no display (Sami Perrin) remove unused dependencies to continuous integration tests (Sami Perrin) move documentation (Sami Perrin) move spec file, add option --with-conf to build rpm (Sami Perrin) move roles folder to search folder (Sami Perrin) add stub to create json in cron script (Sami Perrin) remove csrf exemption were not required, add POST method requirement on route with compulsory body (Sami Perrin) rename admin to controlpanel to prevent colision with django admin statics that cannot be renamed (Sami Perrin) add user updatebot and modify cron script to first login and store cookies (Sami Perrin) route and views for basic authentication functions in the front-end (Sami Perrin) collect admin static file into admin and backend prefix static file depending on DEBUG (Sami Perrin) ignore coverage (Sami Perrin) fix build rpm mkdir parents, remove default post install python bytecompile, ignore .htaccess (Sami Perrin) fix documentation image alignement, add user requirement (Sami Perrin) Add HLT diagram (Sami Perrin) partial documentation for graphviz spawning (Sami Perrin) fix sql table (Sami Perrin) arrow directly in unicode (Sami Perrin) fix interrelations image (Sami Perrin) fix nesting (Sami Perrin) add links to doc to README (Sami Perrin) remove firewalld, apache and selinux configuration from static file and post install (Sami Perrin) progressed in the backend documentation (Sami Perrin) parametrize apiPreffix to match base href in prod and in dev (Sami Perrin) Resolves ATDAQCCAM-7 (Sami Perrin) ATDAQCCAM-7 #done Test close (Sami Perrin) Moved everything into directory (Sami Perrin) User requirement first version (Sami Perrin) fix update route (Sami Perrin) rewrite doc, categorize routes by script, add missing url parameters (Sami Perrin) add html coverage (Sami Perrin) fix graph parsing, cache and admin routes (Sami Perrin) fix typo (Sami Perrin) add missing dependencies, remove unsunsed, fix failing tests (Sami Perrin) separate view into multiple files (Sami Perrin) abstract long version (Sami Perrin) abstract (Sami Perrin) displaced main route (Sami Perrin) add logo atlas animation, svg logo separated in different layers (Sami Perrin) add script to build rpm (Sami Perrin) fix download svg/pdf of custom search graph (Sami Perrin) save previous search parameters to allow same search with spline/ortho switched (Sami Perrin) missing settings for cache modifications (Sami Perrin) switch global usage to fs solution, reduce cache size by margin when max limit hit (Sami Perrin) meta upload, button get current, use displayName if no desc, force set redundant name field (Sami Perrin) fix cursor, add alert panel for wrong regex (Sami Perrin) fix history not switching (Sami Perrin) fix csrf on post on hierarchy layout (Sami Perrin) add regex match on role selection on graph explorer (Sami Perrin) third level filter stub (Sami Perrin) tooltip everywhere (Sami Perrin) upload meta, separate error and warning (Sami Perrin) force data.json fs rewrite when update sucess, admin meta check with syntax highlight, admin management: get template and check syntax (Sami Perrin) add svg/pdf caching and cache management in admin panel (Sami Perrin) fix webfont relative url (Sami Perrin) rename app entry point (Sami Perrin) directory structure, remove inline css (Sami Perrin) create separate files for services, controllers and filters (Sami Perrin) advanced search popup (Sami Perrin) stub search redraw and history (Sami Perrin) chep abstract 1st version (Sami Perrin) landing fix (Sami Perrin) complete landing page (Sami Perrin) landing page first draft (Sami Perrin) add levels, highlight rechable nodes as well (Sami Perrin) fix various display issue, change input dropdown text (Sami Perrin) add all nodes graph, add zoom to node button, add stub for level (Sami Perrin) edge animation, add arrow, fix webkit degenerate bezier curve marker rotation issue (Sami Perrin) add role detail button in graph explorer, add ortho to history, allow svg and pdf download (Sami Perrin) sidebar, input filter, splines ortho switch, add arrow, highlight node and related edges hover, fix initial position, fix zoom (Sami Perrin) fix graph display, add easing, fix transition unvolontary sequences, use requestAnimationFrame for performances (Sami Perrin) fix zoom in graph explorer (Sami Perrin) fix zoom in graph, maintain position under cursor fixed (Sami Perrin) node displacement, path transformation, zoom and translate (Sami Perrin) missing comment for stub (Sami Perrin) stub for svg animation (Sami Perrin) transition path coloring, hover path as well (Sami Perrin) fix roles filter, make intermediate graph clickable and highlightable (Sami Perrin) dcs only filter (Sami Perrin) add regex highlighter, add filter for firest level role: switch to flat if activated, fix rule command html table width when minimized (Sami Perrin) sudo command requires password icon instead of text (Sami Perrin) add boolean filter to panel header (Sami Perrin) add MAX(enabled) to get object with at least one role enabled (Sami Perrin) add text filter to panel heading, sort hosts by name, default rule view is tree and switch to flat for non empty input (Sami Perrin) sort sudo command before hashing for more consistent results (Sami Perrin) scroll to top animation when inserting or moving element in right panel (Sami Perrin) add field hash to update, accept update only if hash is different or request force param, display notification if db was updated (Sami Perrin) introduce third level rule command, sudo command, matched hosts (Sami Perrin) sort rules by two criteria, first category then name (Sami Perrin) sort import (Sami Perrin) fix api documentation name, fix api doc format: autopep8 should be configured to ignore E302 to prevent inserting blanks between api documentation and function declaration (Sami Perrin) add SSO cookie parsing library (Sami Perrin) fix latency, fix failing test (Sami Perrin) add latency to json download script, add latency in frontend, update db only if json is more recent (or if force) (Sami Perrin) fix warning for empty selection when event after svg inlining fires too early (Sami Perrin) fix cron job by using proxy instead of SSO (Sami Perrin) update sh command, update table to keep track of updates, update display on the indexd with timeago, migration (Sami Perrin) fix default tree level to 0, fix graph proportion with a minimal width and remove default width and height (Sami Perrin) correct behaviour for tree's merged child's children level, rules local tree with root children as resourceCategory, input to select tree or default view (Sami Perrin) merge tree node with its single child (Sami Perrin) sort rules by resourceCategory (Sami Perrin) add loading panel item to hosts (Sami Perrin) remove filter from index, add filter only where required (Sami Perrin) add favicon (Sami Perrin) fix button size, shorten list-item height (Sami Perrin) add loading panel-item to roles, fix flat list missing left border (Sami Perrin) remove untracked .pyc (Sami Perrin) add .htaccess to redirect non existing file to index, fix header of first level panels, fix panel list-item tree (Sami Perrin) fix rounded border on non first child list-item element (Sami Perrin) gitignore .pyc files, add roles tree, switch back to list when filter is non null, fix bug first graph arrow not displayed (Sami Perrin) fix path root of not found configuration files with dynamic prefix (Sami Perrin) make role graph clickable (sami) add rule and sudo details, modify raw svg graph style (sami) add route for svg role inheritance hierarchy, inline svg in single role view with ng-inlcude, style svg with d3 (Sami Perrin) graph details for all second level relations (Sami Perrin) detail graph, layout and display, django admin route renaming to prevent collision (Sami Perrin) first version of svg production with d3 (Sami Perrin) graph table, login (Sami Perrin) stub for graphs, d3, loading bar (Sami Perrin) allow connection from any hosts in dev, improved responsiveness: trigger animation only for non-small devices (Sami Perrin) move filter input to index, preventdefault on link to second level: open in the same window with animation, remove bootstrap theme to flatten css style (Sami Perrin) ATDAQCCAM-7 #close Test close (Sami Perrin) format, test close ATDAQCCAM-7 (Sami Perrin) all first level and second level partials (Sami Perrin) add single user page, fix open-close icon caret for collapsible (Sami Perrin) add partials for all first level query, add meta retreiving for the rootScope, command dropdown created dynamically (Sami Perrin) add route with full meta and rename existing meta route to category (Sami Perrin) add role user filter (Sami Perrin) add bootstrap, angular, jquery, index.html first draft (Sami Perrin) django serve statics in dev (Sami Perrin) add coverage package to install in CI script (Sami Perrin) modify CI script (Sami Perrin) modify CI script (Sami Perrin) modify CI script (Sami Perrin) fix failed tests, non-functioning sudo routes (Sami Perrin) clean view, fix warnings (Sami Perrin) switch to django repo version 1.6 (Sami Perrin) autoformat (Sami Perrin) automatic flat sql production, custom sql regex function, sql templating test (Sami Perrin) apply migration, improve meta json, data insert according to meta, static generic command sql trials (Sami Perrin) rule command field table (Sami Perrin) add field description to meta (Sami Perrin) add script to produce baseline JSON meta informations (Sami Perrin) add sql route for rules and rulesCommandUser (Sami Perrin) add sql route for hosts and users (Sami Perrin) add second migration file (Sami Perrin) sql transition, part (Sami Perrin) add ORM many-to-many relationships (Sami Perrin) migration 2 allow nullable fields, initial loading of the db on startup (Sami Perrin) create model and initial migration (Sami Perrin) modify ci coverage regex to match 1,2 and 3 digits (Sami Perrin) add hostsMatch route and add regex url parameter to host routes (Sami Perrin) add badges (Sami Perrin) add coverage parsing (Sami Perrin) force yes (Sami Perrin) match python production env (Sami Perrin) switched to default image (Sami Perrin) force apt-get yes (Sami Perrin) add apt-get update (Sami Perrin) determine os in CI (Sami Perrin) determine os in CI (Sami Perrin) try with api-get instead of yum (Sami Perrin) fix test, add .gitlab-ci.yml (Sami Perrin) tests for views.json (Sami Perrin) formating (Sami Perrin) first readme file (Sami Perrin) first routes from json parsing, few tests, coverage and nose configuration (Sami Perrin) add django stub (Sami Perrin) add research papers (Sami Perrin) radial tests, circular tests, web force and edge bundling tests (Sami Perrin) first generalized kmeans implementation (Sami Perrin) fixed sub (sami) sub (Sami Perrin) added node graph stubs (Sami Perrin)

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