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"alexand submitted ResourceManager with tag master for tdaq-99-00-00"

=== ResourceManager ===

ATDAQCCRM-84 PMG init sync added to RM server (Igor Alexandrov) allocated info corected (Igor Alexandrov) ATDAQCCRM-73 request resources application: fixes in input parameters. (Igor Alexandrov) CMakeLists update (Igor Alexandrov) ATDAQCCRM-73 Application updated: added new parameters, setProcess application created for tests (Igor Alexandrov) ATDAQCCRM-73 Application aded in java classes (Igor Alexandrov) ATDAQCCRM-73 requestResources updated taking into account application and pid. setProcess method added. (Igor Alexandrov) ATDAQCCRM-81 Remove obsolete and wrong parameters from IDL done. ATDAQCCRM-78 Deprecated methodsxremoved (Igor Alexandrov)

Merge request reports
