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Add missing FlushBufferAtStop attribute to the SwRodFragmentConsumer class....

Serguei Kolos requested to merge kolos/tdaq-09-03-00/swrod into tdaq-09-03-00

Add missing FlushBufferAtStop attribute to the SwRodFragmentConsumer class. Add new SwRodMonitoringApplication class

=== swrod ===

Add FlushBufferAtStop attribute to the SwRodFragmentConsumer class (Serguei Kolos) Rename exception (Serguei Kolos) Destroy consumer in the destructor to make sure that no ROB fragments will be in use when destroying the builder is destroyed. (Serguei Kolos) Improve uniqueness of the macro name (Serguei Kolos) Restore proper start of run sequence (Serguei Kolos) Improve the order of runStarted and runStopped commands execution for internal components (Serguei Kolos) Set CPU affinity via command line parameters (Serguei Kolos) Count dropped packets in the same way as non dropped (Serguei Kolos) Increment packet counter when corrupt packet is dropped (Serguei Kolos) Add missing includes (Serguei Kolos) Use ReadoutApplication instead of SwRodApplication for base dal class in Configuration (Gordon Crone) Remove delay before sending HLT request (Serguei Kolos) Improve average rate calculation (Serguei Kolos) Add SwRodMonitoringApplication (Serguei Kolos) Show Link id in hex (Serguei Kolos)

Merge request reports
