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pbeast patch for tdaq-09-04-00 release

Igor Soloviev requested to merge isolov/tdaq-09-04-00/pbeast into tdaq-09-04-00
  • fix uncaught I/O exception (ADAMATLAS-406)
  • change location of lock file for repo server to simplify eos use
  • fix meta info query issues for receiver (ADAMATLAS-404)

=== pbeast ===

Reserve check for protobuf buffer overflow after every data-point read (Igor Soloviev) Check and reset stream buffer while reading single serie (Igor Soloviev) Catch various I/O exceptions to prevent ADAMATLAS-406 (Igor Soloviev) The repository server crates lock in working directory instead of merged one to simplify running on tbed using eos archive. (Igor Soloviev) Fix receiver related issues with meta info, see ADAMATLAS-404 (Igor Soloviev)

Merge request reports
