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oks fix for ATDSUPPORT-326 (object exists error on reload)

Igor Soloviev requested to merge isolov/tdaq-09-04-00/oks into tdaq-09-04-00

create oks temporary files in /var/run/user (can switch off using OKS_GIT_NO_VAR_DIR) fix set group ID error on eos error

=== oks ===

remove git hooks as part of oks package (Igor Soloviev) keep parent info on data file reload (Igor Soloviev) Move example using RunNumber archive from obsolete ATLR to ATONR_ADG (Igor Soloviev) Use /var/run/user/$uid if OKS_GIT_NO_VAR_DIR is not defined (Igor Soloviev) Fix typo in ERS debug (Igor Soloviev) Use /var/run/user/$uid for temporary oks git files (Igor Soloviev) update release notes for git commit undo (Igor Soloviev) When save a data file, check attributes of temporal file. Avoid chmod() and chown() calls if attributes were not changed. Downgrade severity of chown() failure to warning. (Igor Soloviev) Fix typo in warning message (Igor Soloviev) Fix typos in doxygen comments (Igor Soloviev) add release name to release notes (Igor Soloviev)

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