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"isolov submitted ResourceManager with tag development for tdaq-99-01-66"

=== ResourceManager ===

ATDAQCCRM-50 unique_ptr in use in RM clients classes (Igor Alexandrov) ATDAQCCRM-66 SoftwareNotFound exception msg and severity of ers corrected. (Igor Alexandrov) ATDAQCCRM-61 added required java method requestRersources (Igor Alexandrov) ATDAQCCRM-48 freeAllInPArtition insted of freePartition, freeAllOnComputer instead of freeComputer (Igor Alexandrov) ATDAQCCRM-60 Replace ers::warning to ers::log in couple of places. Add to rmgr_check_short parameter -v in case of in debug mode (Igor Alexandrov)

Merge request reports
