"salnikov submitted BeamSpotUtils with tag BeamSpotUtils-03-06-05 for tdaq-99-00-00"
=== BeamSpotUtils ===
Fix missing ERS include (Andy Salnikov) Aloow CTP translator accept status 4 from invalidator (Andy Salnikov) Update unit test for selection of vertex over track method (Andy Salnikov) Change log message level to INFO (Andy Salnikov) Use vertex algorithm by default, should be more stable now with runsummary histograms (Andy Salnikov) Improve low-stat Z width determination (Andy Salnikov) Improve handling of run summary histograms (Andy Salnikov) Small improvements. (Andy Salnikov) Allow publishingof partial results (Andy Salnikov) Improve handling of runsummary histograms in LBNMerge. (Andy Salnikov) Update beamSpotDumpCool script, add one more column to output (Andy Salnikov) Change logging level for some messages (Andy Salnikov)