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R3MatchingTool.cxx 7.95 KiB
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  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration

#include "TriggerMatchingTool/R3MatchingTool.h"
#include "xAODBase/IParticleContainer.h"
#include "TrigCompositeUtils/Combinations.h"
#include "xAODEgamma/Egamma.h"
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>

// Anonymous namespace for helper functions
  // Helper function to efficiently decide if two objects are within a drThreshold of each other
  bool fastDR(float eta1, float phi1, float eta2, float phi2, float drThreshold)
    if (dEta > drThreshold)
      return false;
    float dPhi = std::abs(TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(phi1 - phi2));
    if (dPhi > drThreshold)
      return false;
    return dEta * dEta + dPhi * dPhi < drThreshold * drThreshold;
} // namespace

namespace Trig

  R3MatchingTool::R3MatchingTool(const std::string &name) : asg::AsgTool(name)
    declareProperty("TrigDecisionTool", m_trigDecTool, "The trigger decision tool");

  R3MatchingTool::~R3MatchingTool() {}

  StatusCode R3MatchingTool::initialize()
    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

  bool R3MatchingTool::match(
      const std::vector<const xAOD::IParticle *> &recoObjects,
      const std::string &chain,
      double matchThreshold,
      bool rerun) const
    if (recoObjects.size() == 0)
      // If there are no reco objects, the matching is trivially true
      return true;
    // Make the LinkInfo type less verbose
    using IPartLinkInfo_t = TrigCompositeUtils::LinkInfo<xAOD::IParticleContainer>;
    using VecLinkInfo_t = std::vector<IPartLinkInfo_t>;
    // TODO - detect if we're looking at run 3 data.
    // If we are, then setting rerun to true should give a warning as it no
    // longer makes sense for run 3
    unsigned int condition = rerun ? TrigDefs::Physics | TrigDefs::allowResurrectedDecision : TrigDefs::Physics;

    // In what follows, the same comparisons between reco and trigger objects will done
    // fairly frequently. As these include DR checks we want to minimise how often we do these
    // Therefore we keep track of any comparisons that we've already done
    // There is one map per input reco object, and then each map entry is the keyed on information
    // extracted from the element link
    std::vector<std::map<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>, bool>> cachedComparisons(recoObjects.size());

    // Note that the user can supply a regex pattern which matches multiple chains
    // We should return true if any individual chain matches
    const Trig::ChainGroup *chainGroup = m_trigDecTool->getChainGroup(chain);
    for (const std::string &chainName : chainGroup->getListOfTriggers())
      if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG))
        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Chain " << chainName << " was passed? " << m_trigDecTool->isPassed(chainName));
      // TODO - right now we use a filter that passes everything that isn't pointer-equal.
      // This will probably need to be fixed to something else later - at least the unique RoI filter
      TrigCompositeUtils::Combinations combinations(TrigCompositeUtils::FilterType::All);
      const TrigConf::HLTChain *chainInfo = m_trigDecTool->ExperimentalAndExpertMethods()->getChainConfigurationDetails(chainName);
      std::vector<std::size_t> multiplicities = chainInfo->leg_multiplicities();
      // Get all the features for the chain
      VecLinkInfo_t chainFeatures = m_trigDecTool->features<xAOD::IParticleContainer>(chainName, condition);
      ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Chain " << chainName << " has " << chainFeatures.size() << " features and " << multiplicities.size() << " legs with multiplicities, nFeatures: ");
      if (multiplicities.size() == 1)
        ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("  :" << << ", " << chainFeatures.size());
        combinations.addLeg(, std::move(chainFeatures));
        for (std::size_t legIdx = 0; legIdx < multiplicities.size(); ++legIdx)
          HLT::Identifier legID = TrigCompositeUtils::createLegName(chainName, legIdx);
          VecLinkInfo_t legFeatures;
          for (const IPartLinkInfo_t &info : chainFeatures)
            if (TrigCompositeUtils::isAnyIDPassing(info.source, {legID.numeric()}))
          ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( << " (" << legID.numeric() << "): " << << ", " << legFeatures.size());
          combinations.addLeg(, std::move(legFeatures));
      // Warn once per call if one of the chain groups is too small to match anything
      if (combinations.size() < recoObjects.size())
            "Chain " << chainName << " (matching pattern " << chain << ") has too few objects ("
                     << combinations.size() << ") to match the number of provided reco objects (" << recoObjects.size() << ")");
      // Now we iterate through the available combinations
      for (const VecLinkInfo_t &combination : combinations)
        // Prepare the index vector
        std::vector<std::size_t> onlineIndices(combination.size());
        std::iota(onlineIndices.begin(), onlineIndices.end(), 0);
          bool match = true;
          for (std::size_t recoIdx = 0; recoIdx < recoObjects.size(); ++recoIdx)
            if (!matchObjects(recoObjects[recoIdx], combination[onlineIndices[recoIdx]].link, cachedComparisons[recoIdx], matchThreshold))
              match = false;
          if (match)
            return true;
        } while (std::next_permutation(onlineIndices.begin(), onlineIndices.end()));

    // If we reach here we've tried all combinations from all chains in the group and none of them matched
    return false;

  bool R3MatchingTool::match(
      const xAOD::IParticle &recoObject,
      const std::string &chain,
      double matchThreshold,
      bool rerun) const
    std::vector<const xAOD::IParticle *> tmpVec{&recoObject};
    return match(tmpVec, chain, matchThreshold, rerun);

  bool R3MatchingTool::matchObjects(
      const xAOD::IParticle *reco,
      const ElementLink<xAOD::IParticleContainer> &onlineLink,
      std::map<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>, bool> &cache,
      double drThreshold) const
    if (!onlineLink.isValid())
      ATH_MSG_WARNING("Invalid element link!");
      return false;
    std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> linkIndices(onlineLink.persKey(), onlineLink.persIndex());
    auto cacheItr = cache.find(linkIndices);
    if (cacheItr == cache.end())
      const xAOD::IParticle *online = *onlineLink;
      bool match = online->type() == reco->type();
      if (online->type() == xAOD::Type::CaloCluster && (reco->type() == xAOD::Type::Electron || reco->type() == xAOD::Type::Photon))
        // Calo cluster is a special case - some of the egamma chains can return these (the etcut chains)
        // In these cases we need to match this against the caloCluster object contained in electrons or photons
        const xAOD::Egamma *egamma = dynamic_cast<const xAOD::Egamma *>(reco);
        if (!egamma)
          // this should never happen
          throw std::runtime_error("Failed to cast to egamma object");
        const xAOD::IParticle *cluster = egamma->caloCluster();
        if (cluster)
          reco = cluster;
          ATH_MSG_WARNING("Cannot retrieve egamma object's primary calorimeter cluster, will match to the egamma object");
        match = true;
      if (match)
        match = fastDR(reco->eta(), reco->phi(), online->eta(), online->phi(), drThreshold);
      cacheItr = cache.insert(std::make_pair(linkIndices, match)).first;
    return cacheItr->second;

} // namespace Trig