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  • Pierre Antoine Delsart's avatar
    'add JetConstituentVector::asSTLVector. more unit tests' (xAODJet-00-01-17) · ce394c03
    Pierre Antoine Delsart authored
    	* xAODJet/JetConstituentVector.h: added a convenience method
    	* test : improved unit tests
    	* Tagging as xAODJet-00-01-17
    2014-09-25    <delsart@localhost>
    	* cmt/requirements: fix checkreq
    	* more unit test.
    	* Tagging as xAODJet-00-01-16
    2014-09-22    <delsart@localhost>
    	* test/xAODJet.xml: added.
    	* Tagging as xAODJet-00-01-15
    	* Root/JetConstituentVector.cxx : using proper CaloCluster
    	interface to set the constituent scale.
    (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)