Jonathan Bossio authored
dataType -> constitType and constitMod calib -> clusterCalib
Jonathan Bossio authoreddataType -> constitType and constitMod calib -> clusterCalib
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JetMenuSequences.py 7.25 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.MenuComponents import RecoFragmentsPool, MenuSequence
from AthenaCommon.CFElements import seqAND
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import conf2toConfigurable
from .JetRecoConfiguration import jetRecoDictToString
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
from ..CommonSequences.FullScanDefs import caloFSRoI, trkFSRoI
# For step 1, starting from the basic calo reco and topoclustering
# Used for calo-only chains and preselection for tracking
def getInitialInputMaker():
from TrigT2CaloCommon.CaloDef import clusterFSInputMaker
InputMakerAlg = conf2toConfigurable(clusterFSInputMaker())
return InputMakerAlg
# For later steps, where calo reco should not be run
# The same instance of an algorithm cannot be run in different steps
# Used for chains that use tracking
def getTrackingInputMaker():
InputMakerAlg = conf2toConfigurable(CompFactory.InputMakerForRoI( "IM_Jet_TrackingStep" ))
InputMakerAlg.RoITool = conf2toConfigurable(CompFactory.ViewCreatorInitialROITool())
InputMakerAlg.RoIs = trkFSRoI
return InputMakerAlg
# Complete sequences that set up or specify the inputs to jet finding
# This sets up the reconstruction starting from topoclusters.
# No tracking is permitted.
def jetCaloRecoSequences( configFlags, RoIs, **jetRecoDict ):
if jetRecoDict["trkopt"] != "notrk":
raise ValueError("Calorimeter jet reco called with a tracking option!")
# Get the topocluster reconstruction sequence
from .JetRecoSequences import jetClusterSequence, jetRecoSequence
topoClusterSequence, clustersKey = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve(
jetClusterSequence, configFlags, RoIs=RoIs, clusterCalib=jetRecoDict["clusterCalib"])
# Get the jet reconstruction sequence including the jet definition and output collection
jetRecoSeq, jetsOut, jetDef = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve(
jetRecoSequence, configFlags, clustersKey=clustersKey, **jetRecoDict )
return [topoClusterSequence,jetRecoSeq], jetsOut, clustersKey
# This sets up the reconstruction where tracks are required.
# Topoclustering will not be scheduled, we just pass in the name of the cluster collection.
def jetTrackingRecoSequences(configFlags, RoIs, clustersKey, **jetRecoDict):
if jetRecoDict["trkopt"] == "notrk":
raise ValueError("Jet reco with tracks called without a tracking option!")
# Get the track reconstruction sequence
from .JetTrackingConfig import JetTrackingSequence
(jetTrkSeq, trkcolls) = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve(
JetTrackingSequence, configFlags, trkopt=jetRecoDict["trkopt"], RoIs=RoIs)
# Get the jet reconstruction sequence including the jet definition and output collection
# Pass in the cluster and track collection names
from .JetRecoSequences import jetRecoSequence
jetRecoSeq, jetsOut, jetDef = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve(
configFlags, clustersKey=clustersKey, **trkcolls, **jetRecoDict )
return [jetTrkSeq,jetRecoSeq], jetsOut
# Functions defining the MenuSequence that will be placed into ChainSteps
# Generate a menu sequence given a set of jet sequences to schedule.
# The hypo may be set up as a preselection hypo, in which case it will
# record a single DecisionObject, instead of one per jet.
# A hypo may alternatively be configured to passThrough, such that
# the hypo will not retrieve any jets and simply pass.
from enum import Enum
class JetHypoAlgType(Enum):
def makeMenuSequence(jetSeq,IMAlg,jetsIn,jetDefString,hypoType=JetHypoAlgType.STANDARD):
from TrigHLTJetHypo.TrigJetHypoToolConfig import trigJetHypoToolFromDict
def trigStreamerHypoTool(chain_dict):
return conf2toConfigurable(CompFactory.TrigStreamerHypoToolMT(chain_dict["chainName"]))
hyponame = "TrigJetHypoAlgMT_"+jetDefString
trigHypoToolGen = trigJetHypoToolFromDict
if hypoType==JetHypoAlgType.PASSTHROUGH:
hyponame = "TrigStreamerHypoAlgMT_caloReco"
hypo = conf2toConfigurable(CompFactory.TrigStreamerHypoAlgMT(hyponame,SetInitialRoIAsFeature=True))
trigHypoToolGen = trigStreamerHypoTool
elif hypoType==JetHypoAlgType.PRESEL:
hyponame += "_presel"
hypo = conf2toConfigurable(CompFactory.TrigJetHypoAlgMT(hyponame, Jets=jetsIn, DoPresel=True))
hypo = conf2toConfigurable(CompFactory.TrigJetHypoAlgMT(hyponame, Jets=jetsIn))
return MenuSequence( Sequence = jetSeq,
Maker = IMAlg,
Hypo = hypo,
HypoToolGen = trigHypoToolGen )
# For the preselection step before running tracking (step 1)
def jetCaloPreselMenuSequence(configFlags, **jetRecoDict):
InputMakerAlg = getInitialInputMaker()
jetSequences, jetsIn, clustersKey = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve(
configFlags, RoIs=caloFSRoI, **jetRecoDict)
jetDefString = jetRecoDictToString(jetRecoDict)
jetAthSeq = seqAND("jetSeqCaloPresel_"+jetDefString,[InputMakerAlg]+jetSequences)
return makeMenuSequence(jetAthSeq,InputMakerAlg,jetsIn,jetDefString,
hypoType=JetHypoAlgType.PRESEL), clustersKey
# A null preselection, which will only run the cluster making (step 1)
def jetCaloRecoMenuSequence(configFlags, clusterCalib):
InputMakerAlg = getInitialInputMaker()
jetsIn = ""
from .JetRecoSequences import jetClusterSequence
topoClusterSequence, clustersKey = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve(
jetClusterSequence, configFlags, RoIs=caloFSRoI, clusterCalib=clusterCalib)
jetAthSeq = seqAND("jetSeqCaloRecoPassThrough_"+clusterCalib,[InputMakerAlg,topoClusterSequence])
return makeMenuSequence(jetAthSeq,InputMakerAlg,jetsIn,"caloreco",
hypoType=JetHypoAlgType.PASSTHROUGH), clustersKey
# A full hypo selecting only on calo jets (step 1)
def jetCaloHypoMenuSequence(configFlags, **jetRecoDict):
InputMakerAlg = getInitialInputMaker()
jetSequences, jetsIn, clustersKey = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve(
configFlags, RoIs=caloFSRoI, **jetRecoDict)
jetDefString = jetRecoDictToString(jetRecoDict)
jetAthSeq = seqAND("jetSeqCaloHypo_"+jetDefString,[InputMakerAlg]+jetSequences)
return makeMenuSequence(jetAthSeq,InputMakerAlg,jetsIn,jetDefString)
# A full hypo selecting on jets with track reco (step 2)
# To combine either with a presel or a passthrough sequence
# As this does not run topoclustering, the cluster collection
# name needs to be passed in
def jetTrackingHypoMenuSequence(configFlags, clustersKey, **jetRecoDict):
InputMakerAlg = getTrackingInputMaker()
jetSequences, jetsIn = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve(
configFlags, RoIs=trkFSRoI, clustersKey=clustersKey, **jetRecoDict)
jetDefString = jetRecoDictToString(jetRecoDict)
jetAthSeq = seqAND("jetSeqTrkHypo_"+jetDefString,[InputMakerAlg]+jetSequences)
return makeMenuSequence(jetAthSeq,InputMakerAlg,jetsIn,jetDefString)