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  • Bertrand Martin's avatar
    tauRecTools: deploy final combined TES and MVA TES calibrations · 619250e4
    Bertrand Martin authored
    This MR is deploying the final Tau Energy Scale calibrations for combined TES (ATLTAU-1740) and MVA TES (ATLTAU-1739).
    The tunes were derived on Round 2.5 gamma* MC preproduction.
    For MVA TES, two small changes were made to the variable definitions.
    * First, ptDetectorAxis was replaced with the proper tau-vertex-corrected LC-scale tau pt, namely ptIntermediateAxis.
    These two pt calibrations are very close, but we should be using ptIntermediateAxis.
    * Second, for BDT scores that come out of the tau substructure reconstruction (BDTs that separate 1p0n/1p1n/1pXn and 3p0n/3pXn modes), something had been overlooked.
    The BDT scores are initialised to a default value of -1111 in the reconstruction, while the meaningful values set in the substructure reconstruction are within [-5,1].
    So having a range that spans [-1111, 1] is quite bad for the MVA TES BRT optimisation, basically the cuts on these variable seemed completely random (TMVA prob...