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  • Will Buttinger's avatar
    'addPropertyToCatalogue method' (AthAnalysisBaseComps-00-00-18) · e68966ad
    Will Buttinger authored
    	* AthAnalysisHelper: methods for creating and setting properties on algorithms
    	* Tagging as AthAnalysisBaseComps-00-00-16
    	* made ToolSvc the default parent for created tools
    	* Tagging as AthAnalysisBaseComps-00-00-17
    	* One more helper method for adding properties to catalogue
    	* Tagging as AthAnalysisBaseComps-00-00-18
    2016-05-08 Will Buttinger <>
          * AthAnalysisHelper: printAuxElement method for printing content of an aux element
          * Tagging as AthAnalysisBaseComps-00-00-15
    2016-05-03 Will Buttinger <>
          * AthAnalysisHelper: Use const references instead of r-value references.
                               Added specialization of setProperty for toolHandles + arrays
          * Tagging as AthAnalysisBaseComps-00-00-14
    2016-04-07 Will Buttinger <>
            * AthAnalysisHelper: createTool method for simplifying call to gaudi factory,
                                 corresponding setProperty method for bare tools
                                 setProperty method for services too
    (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)