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Commit 67064307 authored by Dag Gillberg's avatar Dag Gillberg
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Added macro to calculate theory uncertainites

parent 4e2a6ffe
9 merge requests!58791DataQualityConfigurations: Modify L1Calo config for web display,!46784MuonCondInterface: Enable thread-safety checking.,!46776Updated LArMonitoring config file for WD to match new files produced using MT,!45419WIP: GNNC tool,!45405updated ART test cron job,!42417Draft: DIRE and VINCIA Base Fragments for Pythia 8.3,!28528Revert 63f845ae,!27054Atr20369 210,!26342Monopole: Handle fractionally charged particles
* Macro to evaluate Higgs theory uncertainties produced using the HiggsWeightTool
* Dag Gillberg, March 3, 2017
typedef TString Str;
typedef std::vector<TH1F*> HistV;
typedef std::vector<TString> StrV;
typedef std::map<TString,HistV> HistMap;
typedef std::vector<double> NumV;
void fatal(Str msg) { printf("\n\nFATAL\n %s\n\n",msg.Data()); abort(); }
TFile *openFile(Str fn);
double addInQuad(const NumV &v, double nom=0) {
double V=0; for (auto var:v) V+=pow(var-nom,2); return sqrt(V);
double addInQuadRel(const NumV &v, double nom) {
double V=0; for (auto var:v) V+=pow((var-nom)/nom,2); return sqrt(V);
TH1 *getHist(TFile *f, Str hn, int rebin=1);
TH1 *getHist(Str fn, Str hn, int rebin=1) { return getHist(openFile(fn),hn,rebin); }
void drawLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
static TLine *line = new TLine(); line->DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2);
TH1F *makeHist(Str name, int Nbins, double xmin, double xmax, Str tit="") {
TH1F *h = new TH1F(name,tit,Nbins,xmin,xmax); return h;
TH1* drawHist(TH1 *h, Str opt, int col=kRed, int ls=1, int lw=2) {
h->SetStats(0); h->SetLineColor(col); h->SetLineWidth(lw); h->SetLineStyle(ls); h->Draw(opt); return h;
double getTotUnc(HistV sysVar, int bin) {
double nom=sysVar[0]->GetBinContent(bin), V=0;
for (int i=1;i<sysVar.size();++i)
return sqrt(V);
double hxswg(Str p) {
if (p=="ggF") return 4.858E+01;
if (p=="VBF") return 3.782E+00;
if (p=="WpH") return 8.400E-01;
if (p=="WmH") return 5.328E-01;
if (p=="ZH" ) return 8.839E-01-1.227E-01;
return 0.0;
char *per(double var, double nom) { return Form("%.2f%%",(var-nom)/nom*100); }
void evaluateHiggsTheoryUncert() {
StrV prods({"ggF","VBF","WpH","WmH","ZH"});
Str pdf("HiggsTheoryUnc.pdf");
TCanvas *can = new TCanvas();
std::map<Str,TFile*> files;
for (auto p:prods) files[p]=openFile(p+".root");
/// 1. Check the inclusive cross section
for (auto p:prods) {
auto h=getHist(files[p],"pTH");
// Average weight is the Powheg cross section
double sigPow = h->Integral(0,-1)/h->GetEntries();
double sigHXWG = hxswg(p);
printf("%8s%10.3f pb%10.3f pb%12.4f\n",p.Data(),sigPow,sigHXWG,sigHXWG/sigPow);
/// 2. Check the uncertainty on the inclusive cross section ...
printf("\nTotal uncertainties on inclusive predictions\n");
for (auto p:prods) {
double n=getHist(files[p],"pTH")->Integral(0,-1);
double au=getHist(files[p],"pTH_aSup")->Integral(0,-1);
double ad=getHist(files[p],"pTH_aSdn")->Integral(0,-1);
NumV pdfV;
for (int i=1;i<=30;++i)
double pdf=addInQuadRel(pdfV,n);
printf("\nProduced %s\n\n",pdf.Data());
TFile *openFile(Str fn) {
TFile *f=TFile::Open(fn);
if (f==nullptr||f->IsZombie()) fatal("Cannot open "+fn);
return f;
TH1 *getHist(TFile *f, Str hn, int rebin) {
TH1 *h = (TH1*)f->Get(hn);
if (h==nullptr) fatal("Cannot access histo "+hn+" in file "+f->GetName());
h->Rebin(rebin); return h;
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