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Commit 7368dd30 authored by cranshaw's avatar cranshaw
Browse files

First prototype of generic metadata tool

Former-commit-id: 194a93ff
parent 096e31f4
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8 merge requests!58791DataQualityConfigurations: Modify L1Calo config for web display,!46784MuonCondInterface: Enable thread-safety checking.,!46776Updated LArMonitoring config file for WD to match new files produced using MT,!45405updated ART test cron job,!42417Draft: DIRE and VINCIA Base Fragments for Pythia 8.3,!28528Revert 63f845ae,!27054Atr20369 210,!26342Monopole: Handle fractionally charged particles
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
/** @file GenericMetadataTool.h
* @brief This file contains the class definition for the GenericMetadataTool class.
* @author Peter van Gemmeren <>
* $Id: GenericMetadataTool.h 663679 2015-04-29 08:31:54Z krasznaa $
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
//#include "AsgTools/AsgMetadataTool.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/IMetaDataTool.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentListener.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
//#include "AthenaKernel/ICutFlowSvc.h"
//#include "xAODCutFlow/CutBookkeeper.h"
//#include "xAODCutFlow/CutBookkeeperContainer.h"
//#include "xAODCutFlow/CutBookkeeperAuxContainer.h"
#include <string>
/** @class GenericMetadataTool
* @brief This class provides an example for reading with a ISelectorTool to veto events on AttributeList.
template <typename T, typename U>
class GenericMetadataTool : public AthAlgTool, public virtual ::IMetaDataTool
public: // Constructor and Destructor
/// Standard Service Constructor
GenericMetadataTool(const std::string& type,
const std::string& name,
const IInterface* parent);
/// Destructor
virtual ~GenericMetadataTool();
virtual StatusCode metaDataStop(const SG::SourceID&);
virtual StatusCode beginInputFile(const SG::SourceID& sid = "Serial");
virtual StatusCode endInputFile(const SG::SourceID& sid = "Serial");
virtual StatusCode initialize();
virtual StatusCode finalize();
ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc> inputMetaStore() const;
ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc> outputMetaStore() const;
/// Helper class to update a container with information from another one
//StatusCode updateContainer( T* contToUpdate,
// const T* otherCont );
StatusCode initOutputContainer(const std::string& sgkey);
StatusCode buildAthenaInterface(const std::string& inputName,
const std::string& outputName,
const SG::SourceID& sid);
/// Fill Cutflow information
StatusCode addProcessMetadata();
/// Pointer to cut flow svc
ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc> m_inputMetaStore;
ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc> m_outputMetaStore;
/// The name of the output Container
std::string m_outputCollName;
/// The name of the input Container
std::string m_inputCollName;
/// The name of the process Container
std::string m_procMetaName;
bool m_processMetadataTaken;
bool m_markIncomplete;
/// List of source ids which have reached end file
std::set<SG::SourceID> m_fullreads;
std::set<SG::SourceID> m_read;
std::set<SG::SourceID> m_written;
template <typename T, typename U>
inline ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc> GenericMetadataTool<T,U>::inputMetaStore() const
return m_inputMetaStore;
template <typename T, typename U>
inline ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc> GenericMetadataTool<T,U>::outputMetaStore() const
return m_outputMetaStore;
#include "GenericMetadataTool.icc"
///////////////////////// -*- C++ -*- /////////////////////////////
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// Implementation file for class GenericMetadataTool
// Authors: Joao Firmino da Costa <> and David Cote <>
// STL include
#include <algorithm>
#include "GaudiKernel/Incident.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/FileIncident.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentSvc.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/MetaCont.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/ClassID_traits.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/errorcheck.h"
#include "StoreGate/WriteMetaHandle.h"
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthCheckMacros.h"
#include "AthContainersInterfaces/IConstAuxStoreMeta.h"
template <typename T, typename U>
GenericMetadataTool<T,U>::GenericMetadataTool(const std::string& type,
const std::string& name,
const IInterface* parent)
: AthAlgTool(type,name,parent),
m_inputMetaStore( "StoreGateSvc/InputMetaDataStore", name ),
m_outputMetaStore( "StoreGateSvc/MetaDataStore", name ),
declareProperty("OutputCollName", m_outputCollName="GenericMetadataOutput",
"The default name of the container for output files");
declareProperty("InputCollName", m_inputCollName = "GenericMetadataInput",
"The default name of the container for input files");
declareProperty("ProcessMetadataCollName", m_procMetaName = "ProcessMetadata",
"The default name of the container for process meta");
declareProperty("MarkIncomplete", m_markIncomplete = true,
"Defaults to filling both complete and incomplete bookkeepers");
declareInterface< ::IMetaDataTool >( this );
template <typename T, typename U>
template <typename T, typename U>
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Initializing " << name() << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("InputCollName = " << m_inputCollName);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("OutputCollName = " << m_outputCollName);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ProcessMetadataCollName = " << m_procMetaName);
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
template <typename T, typename U>
StatusCode GenericMetadataTool<T,U>::beginInputFile(const SG::SourceID& sid)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("beginInputFile " << this->name() << "\n" << outputMetaStore()->dump());
//Things to do:
// 1) note that a file is currently opened
// 2) Load CutBookkeepers from input file
// 2a) if incomplete from input, directly propagate to output
// 2b) if complete from input, wait for EndInputFile to decide what to do in output
const std::string storename("MetaDataStore+");
if (m_inputCollName != "") { // are there inputs
// Initialize MetaCont for incomplete and tmp containers in output store
std::string tmp_name = storename+m_outputCollName+"tmp";
// Do the following if we want incomplete processings marked
if (m_markIncomplete) {
std::string inc_name = storename+"Incomplete"+m_outputCollName;
std::string input_inc_name = "Incomplete"+m_inputCollName;
} // inputCollName if
// reset cutflow taken marker
m_processMetadataTaken = false;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
template <typename T, typename U>
StatusCode GenericMetadataTool<T,U>::endInputFile(const SG::SourceID& sid)
// Add the sid to the list of complete sids
if (m_inputCollName != "") { // are there inputs
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
template <typename T, typename U>
StatusCode GenericMetadataTool<T,U>::metaDataStop(const SG::SourceID&)
const std::string storename("MetaDataStore+");
if (m_inputCollName != "") { // are there inputs
//Things to do:
// 1) Create new incomplete CutBookkeepers if relevant
// 2) Print cut flow summary
// 3) Write root file if requested
// Now retrieve pointers for the MetaConts
std::string tmp_name = storename+m_outputCollName+"tmpCont";
const MetaCont<T>* tmp;
T* outcom = new T();
U* outcom_aux = new U();
if (m_markIncomplete) {
std::string inc_name = storename+"Incomplete"+m_outputCollName+"Cont";
// Build incomplete container to fill
T* outinc = new T();
U* outinc_aux = new U();
// Check if there were any incomplete inputs
const MetaCont<T>* inc;
if(outputMetaStore()->retrieve(inc,inc_name).isSuccess()) {
// Incomplete inputs can just be merged
auto sids_inc = inc->sources();
T* contptr(nullptr);
for (auto it = sids_inc.begin(); it != sids_inc.end(); ++it) {
if (!inc->find(*it,contptr)) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Container sid list did not match contents");
} else {
contptr = nullptr;
} else {
ATH_MSG_INFO("Did not find MetaCont for " << inc_name << ", assuming input had no incomplete bookkeepers");
// Loop over containers and mark based on end files seen
auto sids_tmp = tmp->sources();
T* contptr(nullptr);
for (auto it = sids_tmp.begin(); it != sids_tmp.end(); ++it) {
if (!tmp->find(*it,contptr)) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Container sid list did not match contents");
} else {
bool complete = std::find(m_fullreads.begin(),
*it) != m_fullreads.end();
bool not_written = std::find(m_written.begin(),
*it) == m_written.end();
if (complete && not_written) {
} else {
std::string incout_name = "Incomplete"+m_outputCollName;
// Do any cleanup
if (outputMetaStore()->contains(ClassID_traits<T>::ID(),incout_name) ) {
ATH_MSG_INFO("Cleaning up class for " << incout_name);
const T* tmpBook(nullptr);
if ( outputMetaStore()->retrieve(tmpBook,incout_name).isSuccess() ) {
const SG::IConstAuxStore* tmpBookAux = tmpBook->getConstStore();
else ATH_MSG_INFO("StoreGate failed retrieve");
} // markIncomplete
else {
auto sids_tmp = tmp->sources();
T* contptr(nullptr);
// just merge complete inputs into complete/output container
for (auto it = sids_tmp.begin(); it != sids_tmp.end(); ++it) {
if (!tmp->find(*it,contptr)) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Container sid list did not match contents");
} else {
// default to not worrying about marking
// Record container objects directly in store for output
if (outputMetaStore()->contains(ClassID_traits<T>::ID(),m_outputCollName)) {
ATH_MSG_INFO("Cleaning up class for " << m_outputCollName);
const T* tmpBook(nullptr);
if ( outputMetaStore()->retrieve(tmpBook,m_outputCollName).isSuccess() ) {
const SG::IConstAuxStore* tmpBookAux = tmpBook->getConstStore();
else ATH_MSG_ERROR("StoreGate failed retrieve");
} // inputCollName if
if (!m_processMetadataTaken) {
if (addProcessMetadata().isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not add CutFlow information");
else {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Process metadata written into container before metaDataStop");
// Reset after metadata stop
m_processMetadataTaken = false;
if (m_inputCollName != "") { // are there inputs
// Copy read files into written files
for (auto it = m_read.begin(); it != m_read.end(); ++it) {
// Remove completes from read
for (auto it = m_fullreads.begin(); it != m_fullreads.end(); ++it) {
//std::remove(m_read.begin(); m_read.end(), *it);
} // inputCollName if
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
template <typename T, typename U>
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Finalizing " << name() << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
template <typename T, typename U>
StatusCode GenericMetadataTool<T,U>::initOutputContainer( const std::string& sgkey)
std::string key = sgkey;
// Create the primary container
// Put it in a MetaCont
//MetaCont<T>* mcont = new MetaCont<T>(DataObjID("xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer",key));
MetaCont<T>* mcont = new MetaCont<T>(DataObjID(ClassID_traits<T>::ID(),key));
// Do the same for the auxiliary container
std::string auxkey(key+"Aux.");
//MetaCont<T>* acont = new MetaCont<T>(DataObjID("xAOD::CutBookkeeperAuxContainer",auxkey));
MetaCont<T>* acont = new MetaCont<T>(DataObjID("xAOD::CutBookkeeperAuxContainer",auxkey));
ClassID_traits<MetaCont<T> >::ID(),
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// MetaConts are only needed when reading in Athena
// This builds them and populates them with bookeepers from the input store
template <typename T, typename U>
StatusCode GenericMetadataTool<T,U>::buildAthenaInterface(const std::string& inputName,
const std::string& outputName,
const SG::SourceID& sid)
// Make sure the MetaCont is ready in the output store for outputName
// If not, then create it
std::string name = outputName+"Cont";
if( !(outputMetaStore()->contains(ClassID_traits<MetaCont<T> >::ID(),name)) ) {
else {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("incomplete collection already exists");
// Retrieve pointer for the MetaCont
MetaCont<T>* mc;
// Make sure sid does not already exist in the MetaCont
if ( std::find(mc->sources().begin(),mc->sources().end(),sid)
!= mc->sources().end() ) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Metadata already exists for sid " << sid);
return StatusCode::FAILURE; // Fail if sid already exists
// Get the input bookkeeper of the input metadata store
const T* cbc;
if (inputMetaStore()->contains(ClassID_traits<T>::ID(),inputName) ) {
StatusCode ssc = inputMetaStore()->retrieve( cbc, inputName );
if (ssc.isSuccess()) {
// Insert input bookkeeper into MetaCont for this sid
T* tostore = new T(*cbc);
if ( !mc->insert(sid,tostore) ) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Unable to insert " << inputName << " for " << sid << " with key " << name);
return StatusCode::FAILURE; // Fail if insert to mc fails
else {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not retrieve class with name " << inputName << " in input store");
return StatusCode::FAILURE; // Fail if store contains, but not retrieves
else {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("No " << inputName << " data in this file ");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
template <typename T, typename U>
StatusCode GenericMetadataTool<T,U>::addProcessMetadata()
// Add the information from the current processing to the complete output
// --> same paradigm as original CutFlowSvc
// Get the complete bookkeeper collection of the output meta-data store
T* completeBook(NULL);
if( !(outputMetaStore()->retrieve( completeBook, m_outputCollName) ).isSuccess() ) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Could not get output container from output MetaDataStore" );
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// Get the bookkeeper from the current processing
T* fileCompleteBook(NULL);
if( outputMetaStore()->contains(ClassID_traits<T>::ID(),m_procMetaName) ) {
if( !(outputMetaStore()->retrieve( fileCompleteBook, m_procMetaName) ).isSuccess() ) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Could not get process metadata from output MetaDataStore" );
else {
// update the complete output with the complete input
else {
ATH_MSG_INFO("No process container " << m_procMetaName);
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
namespace {
resolveLink (const xAOD::CutBookkeeper* old,
xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer& contToUpdate,
const xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer& otherCont,
const std::vector<size_t>& otherIndices)
xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer::iterator matchIter =
std::find( contToUpdate.begin(),
old );
if (matchIter != contToUpdate.end())
return *matchIter;
xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer::const_iterator matchIter =
std::find( otherCont.begin(),
old );
if (matchIter != contToUpdate.end()) {
size_t pos = matchIter - otherCont.begin();
return contToUpdate[otherIndices[pos]];
// If we didn't find it, we need to add it
xAOD::CutBookkeeper* newEBK = new xAOD::CutBookkeeper();
if ( newEBK->usingPrivateStore() ) { newEBK->releasePrivateStore(); }
contToUpdate.push_back( newEBK );
return newEBK;
} // anonymous namespace
GenericMetadataTool::updateContainer( xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* contToUpdate,
const xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* otherCont )
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("calling updateContainer(...)" );
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Have container to update with size=" << contToUpdate->size()
<< ", and other container with size=" << otherCont->size() );
size_t origSize = contToUpdate->size();
// Vector of indices in contToUpdate of elements in otherCont.
std::vector< std::size_t > otherIndices (otherCont->size());
// Loop through otherCont.
// If element already in contToUpdate, update event counts, otherwise create new element
for ( std::size_t i=0; i<otherCont->size(); ++i ) {
const xAOD::CutBookkeeper* otherEBK = otherCont->at(i);
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Looping through otherCont at index " << i);
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Have otherEBK with: name=" << otherEBK->name()
<< ", cycle=" << otherEBK->cycle()
<< ", nAcceptedEvents=" << otherEBK->nAcceptedEvents()
<< ", inputStream=" << otherEBK->inputStream() );
// Loop through the container to be updated (contToUpdate) and see if we find a match
bool foundEBKToUpdate(false);
for ( std::size_t j=0; j<contToUpdate->size(); ++j ) {
xAOD::CutBookkeeper* ebkToUpdate = contToUpdate->at(j);
// Check if they are identical, if so, update; else add otherEBK
if ( otherEBK->isEqualTo(ebkToUpdate) ) {
ebkToUpdate->setPayload( ebkToUpdate->payload() + otherEBK->payload() );
otherIndices[i] = j;
foundEBKToUpdate = true;
} // End: Inner loop over contToUpdate
if (!foundEBKToUpdate) {
xAOD::CutBookkeeper* newEBK = new xAOD::CutBookkeeper();
if ( newEBK->usingPrivateStore() ) { newEBK->releasePrivateStore(); }
contToUpdate->push_back( newEBK );
std::size_t ebIdx = newEBK->index();
otherIndices[i] = ebIdx;
} // End: Outer loop over contToUpdate
// Now, we still need to fix the cross-referencing of the newly added CutBookkkeepers
for ( std::size_t i=origSize; i<contToUpdate->size(); ++i ) {
xAOD::CutBookkeeper* ebkToModify = contToUpdate->at(i);
// Parent check
if ( ebkToModify->hasParent() ) {
const xAOD::CutBookkeeper* oldParent = ebkToModify->parent();
const xAOD::CutBookkeeper* newParent = resolveLink (oldParent,
ebkToModify->setParent (newParent);
} // Done fixing parent
// Children check
std::vector< xAOD::CutBookkeeper* > newChildren;
for ( std::size_t oldIdx=0; oldIdx<ebkToModify->nChildren(); ++oldIdx ) {
const xAOD::CutBookkeeper* oldEBK = ebkToModify->child(oldIdx);
newChildren.push_back (resolveLink (oldEBK,
} // Done fixing children
ebkToModify->setChildren (newChildren);
// Used others check
std::vector< xAOD::CutBookkeeper* > newOthers;
for ( std::size_t oldIdx=0; oldIdx<ebkToModify->nUsedOthers(); ++oldIdx ) {
const xAOD::CutBookkeeper* oldEBK = ebkToModify->usedOther(oldIdx);
newOthers.push_back (resolveLink (oldEBK,
} // Done fixing used others
ebkToModify->setUsedOthers (newOthers);
// Siblings check
std::vector< xAOD::CutBookkeeper* > newSiblings;
for ( std::size_t oldIdx=0; oldIdx<ebkToModify->nSiblings(); ++oldIdx ) {
const xAOD::CutBookkeeper* oldEBK = ebkToModify->sibling(oldIdx);
newSiblings.push_back (resolveLink (oldEBK,
} // Done fixing siblings
ebkToModify->setSiblings (newSiblings);
} // Done fixing all cross references
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
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