6 merge requests!58791DataQualityConfigurations: Modify L1Calo config for web display,!46784MuonCondInterface: Enable thread-safety checking.,!46776Updated LArMonitoring config file for WD to match new files produced using MT,!45405updated ART test cron job,!42417Draft: DIRE and VINCIA Base Fragments for Pythia 8.3,!39520Documentation on HLT jet configuration python - v2
PFlowJetHypo --> HLT2A[HLT final accept]:::decision
PFlowJetHypo --> HLT2A[HLT final accept]:::decision
classDef data fill:#dd0;
classDef data fill:#dd0;
classDef alg fill:#faf;
classDef alg fill:#faf;
@@ -95,7 +101,9 @@ The step decisions function as gates which enable the succeeding algorithms to b
@@ -95,7 +101,9 @@ The step decisions function as gates which enable the succeeding algorithms to b
However, it is more interesting to consider what happens when we have many chains in parallel, e.g. some running only calo reco, some using large-radius jets and others running small-radius jets. This could expand to a situation like the following:
However, it is more interesting to consider what happens when we have many chains in parallel, e.g. some running only calo reco, some using large-radius jets and others running small-radius jets. This could expand to a situation like the following: