- Dec 24, 2020
- Dec 23, 2020
Yohei Yamaguchi authored
- Dec 22, 2020
scott snyder authored
Avoid spurious copies in for loops.
Typos and mistakes in the chain configuration prevented the analyses working correctly. In addition, the release for the reference reconstruction is changed so that we can see the collections in the AOD
Peter Sherwood authored
In FastReducer, parent Conditions are presented with jte groups made up of jets chosen from those that pass siblings. Jet greoujps with duplicate jets - ue ot the jet passing > 1 sibling Condition - are discarded. This is the "no jet sharing regime". On occasion jet sharing is required. This MR allows jet sharing by supporting multiple indpendent FastReducrer instances. As the the trees are independent, while no jet shring is allowed within the tree, there are no contraints across the tree. An example of such a chain from Run 2 required a forward backward jet, and a high mass dijet. The jets making up the dijet could be shared with the forward backward jets. The implmentation allows TrigJetHypoToolHelperNoGrouper to have >1 TrigJetHypoToolConfig_fastReduction instances. These re looped over in intialise() to produce multuple Matchers, each governing a FastReducter instance. python/ChainLabelParser.py allow multiple trees to be produced by the parser. tidying, python/ConditionsToolSetterFastReduction.py restructure to allow multiple TrigJetHypoToolConfig_fastReduction instances python/FastReductionAlgToolFactory.py new module, extracted from ConditionsToolSetterFastReduction.py, as the code is shared among > 1 module. python/ConditionsToolSetterFastReduction.py now instantiates only TrigJetHypoToolConfig_fastReduction tools helper tool instantiation no in TrigJetHypoToolConfig.py AlgTool instantiation moved to FastReductionAlgToolFactory.py python/TrigJetHypoToolConfig.py refactored to allow helper tool acquire multiple TrigJetHypoToolConfig_fastReduction instances. python/jetlabel_tester.py tidy python/testChainDictMaker.py accomodate changes to TrigJetHypoToolConfig.py python/test_cases.py add a forest test chain label src/TrigJetHypoToolHelperNoGrouper.cxx, h support multiple Matcher instances
Tadej Novak authored
Matous Vozak authored
Matous Vozak authored
- Dec 21, 2020
scott snyder authored
Missing format string arguments. Was generating errors with py 3.8.
Main theme: dividing jet vector inot jet groups now done in FastReducer according to the leaf node capacity. Fix IJetGrouper interface: next() to return HypoJetVector,not HypoJetGroupVector AllJetsGrouper.h, cxx CombinationsGrouper.h, cxx IJetGrouper.h, cxx IndexedJetsGrouper.h, cxx SingleJetGrouper.h, cxx New Helper class, with no Grouper (gorupsers now in the Matcher) python/ConditionsToolSetterFastReduction.py Refactoring to aid debugging python/ConditionsToolSetterFastReduction.py testChainDictMaker.py add node tree dump Jet Groupers now are instantiated according to leaf Condition cap ni FasdtReducer ITrigJetHypoToolNoGrouperConfig.h FastReducer.cxx Clean up keeping track of index <-> job groups FastReducer.cxx new class: GrouperByCapacityFactory.h, cxx new class: JetGroupRegister.h, cxx
Matous Vozak authored
scott snyder authored
Fix a few memory leaks.
- Dec 20, 2020
Joerg Stelzer authored
- Dec 19, 2020
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
- Dec 18, 2020
scott snyder authored
Misleading indentation.
scott snyder authored
Misleading indentation.
scott snyder authored
Can't use full template-id as a ctor name with c++20.
sutt authored
Basic cut and paste schoolboy error copying the bjet tests from muon tests, and then forgetting to change the chains. This fixes it
Tim Adye authored
Frank Winklmeier authored
Frank Winklmeier authored
Frank Winklmeier authored
Frank Winklmeier authored
rename old ART steering files to _old, and new ones to replace them. Only 3 tests have new steering, so the rest still need to be added
Tomasz Bold authored
Yohei Yamaguchi authored
scott snyder authored
Comment out unused variable param_at_calo. (Not removed because it's referenced from existing commented-out code.) Fixes warnings about null pointer dereferences.
scott snyder authored
Null pointer dereference. (Looks like missing parentheses.)
scott snyder authored
Misleading indentation.
- Dec 17, 2020
Tomasz Bold authored
Frank Winklmeier authored
This Python Frontier client was never finished/used and is obsolete.
Frank Winklmeier authored
The alternative Frontier client from TrigConfDBConnection was never used and is obsolete now.
Added only to main function but could be added to TrigJetMonConfig if needed