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Start versioning the CI reference files for the RunTier0Tests

This is an important merge request that'll (eventually) affect a number of CI tests. Currently we run qTestsTier0_required-test in 21.0 and 21.3 branches, SimulationTier0Test_required-test in 21.0, 21.3, 21.9, and master, and OverlayTier0Test_required-test in 21.0 and master. Current short coming of the tests is that the reference files are created (automatically or manually) based on the nightlies. When a MR which changes the relevant outputs is accepted all CI builds that follow until the reference file(s) is(are) updated report errors. This apparently caused a lot of confusion to the release shifters recently as pointed out in ATEAM-480.

With this MR we're starting to version the reference files that'll allow keeping multiple version at a time. In the new scheme, when a MR comes that changes any of the relevant files, the following steps will have to be taken:

  • The MR is submitted as usual, the relevant test failing
  • The developer creates a new reference file locally
  • Once the changes are approved an "expert" (can be defined by the coordinators) will create a subfolder under /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/data-art/grid-input/Tier0ChainTests/test/branch, i.e. to create v1 for the q221 in 21.0 this means /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/data-art/grid-input/Tier0ChainTests/q221/21.0/v1 (we can change the versioning system at anytime) and copy the file there (will need write access obviously)
  • The developer updates the MR by updating mapping in to point to the new version
  • The CI build re-runs (picking the new version) and succeeds
  • Once the MR goes in all subsequent CI builds will start using the new file

Please take a note of the change. With this we're going to drop automatically producing the reference files as it's not needed anymore.

I'm cc-ing the relevant people I can think of: @janders @jbeacham @jchapman @tadej @fwinkl

Edited by Alaettin Serhan Mete

Merge request reports