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21.9 - Updating cuts for primary vertex reconstruction

Noemi Calace requested to merge ncalace/athena:21.9-UpdateVertexRecoCuts into 21.9

This MR updates the PV reconstruction cuts for SLHC setup to be compatible with Inclined Duals reconstruction in

Here is the log information after the changes are applied (to be compared with the configuration in shown in !20711 (merged)):

11:32:50 ************************************************************************************
11:32:50 InDetRec_jobOptions: InDetPrimaryVertexingCuts not set before - import them now
11:32:50 ****** Inner Detector Primary Vertex Reconstruction Cuts ****************************
11:32:50 *
11:32:50 * mode is                                           :  SLHC
11:32:50 * cut level for primary vertexing is                :  3
11:32:50 *
11:32:50 * Track Cut Level                                   :  TightPrimary
11:32:50 *
11:32:50 * min pT                                            :  900.0  MeV
11:32:50 * Max IP d0                                         :  1.0
11:32:50 * Max IP Z0                                         :  1000.0
11:32:50 * Max z0                                            :  1000.0
11:32:50 * Max Sig IP d0                                     :  0.35
11:32:50 * Max Sig IP z0                                     :  2.5
11:32:50 * Max Sig d0                                        :  4.0
11:32:50 * Max Sig z0                                        :  -1.0
11:32:50 * Max eta                                           :  9999.0
11:32:50 * Use TrackSummary                                  :  True
11:32:50 * Min N Innermost Layer Hits                        :  0
11:32:50 * Min N Pix Hit                                     :  3
11:32:50 * Max N Pix Holes                                   :  1
11:32:50 * Min N SCT Hits                                    :  0
11:32:50 * Min N Si Hits                                     :  7
11:32:50 * Min N TRT Hits                                    :  0
11:32:50 * Min N high threshold hits TRT                     :  1
11:32:50 * Min N high threshold hits TRT  (incl. outliers)   :  1
11:32:50 * Use shared hit info                               :  False
11:32:50 * Use Track Quality info                            :  True
11:32:50 * Chi2/ndf of the fit                               :  3.5
11:32:50 * TRT Max  eta                                      :  1.9
11:32:50 *
11:32:50 * Chi2 cut method                                   :  2
11:32:50 * Enable Multiple Vertices                          :  True
11:32:50 *
11:32:50 ************************************************************************************

@nstyles, @asalzbur, @xai, @npetters, @lmijovic, @goblirsc, @swaban

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