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Partially fix const correctness issue of UnassociatedHitsGetterTool.

Susumu Oda requested to merge oda/athena:master-DerivationFrameworkInDet into master

Partially fix const correctness issue of UnassociatedHitsGetterTool by adding const to its methods get and releaseObject. These methods have to be const because DerivationFramework::IAugmentationTool::addBranches() is const.

Since Trk::PRD_AssociationTool::addPRDs( const Trk::Track& track ) and Trk::PRD_AssociationTool::reset() are still non-const, the const correctness issue is still there.

This can be checked by

cmake -DATLAS_PACKAGE_FILTER_FILE=../package_filters.txt -DATLAS_ALLOW_TOOLHANDLE_NONCONSTNESS=OFF ../athena/Projects/WorkDir

Edited by Susumu Oda

Merge request reports