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Muon truth overlay implementation (ATLASSIM-4007)

Tadej Novak requested to merge tadej/athena:overlay/truth into 21.0

It seems that we need muon truth overlay implementation as also pile-up truth is used in the truth matching algorithms.

A summary of this MR:

  • remove manual copying of the muon SDOs in the muon overlay algorithms
  • store all muon truth at pre-mixing (needs confirmation)
  • add muon truth overlay algorithms and enable them
  • also fix a typo in muon RDO analysis

The overlay algorithms are fairly trivial and the functionality was discussed with the muon experts (see comments).

The size increase of the pre-mixed RDO is about 2 %:

    193.959 kb       63.469 kb        0.635 kb        0.000      100  (B) Muon::MuonSimDataCollection_p1_RPC_SDO
    575.615 kb      124.048 kb        1.240 kb        0.000      100  (B) Muon::MuonSimDataCollection_p1_TGC_SDO
   4101.393 kb      427.666 kb        4.277 kb        0.000      100  (B) Muon::CscSimDataCollection_p1_CSC_SDO
  18153.814 kb     6151.345 kb       61.513 kb        0.000      100  (B) Muon::MuonSimDataCollection_p1_MDT_SDO

1087884.178 kb   387242.879 kb     3872.429 kb        0.000      100  TOTAL (old)
1110843.709 kb   393953.645 kb     3939.536 kb        0.000      100  TOTAL (new)

Disabling sweep as I will make the master MR more multi-threading friendly.

Edited by Tadej Novak

Merge request reports
