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WIP: TrigL1CaloUpgrade: Update to the eFEX algorithm to match the latest isolation and clustering studies

Philipp Sebastian Ott requested to merge pott/athena:21.3-UpdateEFEXCode into 21.3

The files 'TrigT1CaloBaseFex.cxx' and 'TrigT1CaloEFex.cxx' are updated to match the latest isolation and clustering studies.

The major changes include: -- The option to switch between an energy weighted cluster formation and a cluster formation driven by the most energetic phi neighbour with respect to the seed cell -- The inclusion of additional isolation variables: Lateral width in the first layer (wstot), hadronic isolation (RHad), and energy isolation for cells along eta in the second layer (REta)

Edited by Philipp Sebastian Ott

Merge request reports
