21.2 egamma calibration for data taken with LAr optimal filter coefficients optimized for zero pileup during run 2
Data energy scale correction and MC resolution corrections to be applied to data taken with optimal filter coefficients optimized for zero pileup (PbPb, pPb , high beta*, low energy pp, etc..) during the course of run 2. Because of the different coefficients, the energy scale can differ by up to several % in the endcap from the standard scale corrections derived from high luminosity 13 TeV pp data. Code change is to define a new ES model for this case and read the newly prepared corrections stored in root file. (root file replicated to the calibration area https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLINFR-2929)
Details of the calibration can be found at https://indico.cern.ch/event/798012/contributions/3318037/attachments/1795769/2927331/scale_ofc0_14feb2019.pdf
Some analysis targeting Moriond 2019 (light-by-light) would like to use this calibration.