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Porting over InDetTrackingGeometryXML with layout translation into 21.9

Nicholas Styles requested to merge nstyles/athena:21.9-TGXmlUpdate into 21.9

first attempt at porting over the latest InDetTrackingGeometryXML with layout translation removed in preparation for getting step 3 layouts running. Some issues - some code just commented out (needs to be revisited, think it is not relevant for 2.2). Starting an MR to get feedback primarily.

These updates are based on InDetTrackGeometryXML-00-00-89 which seemed like an appropriate starting point. Please let me know if there is anything in that prevents this being a good basis.

I then went through, made a few updates to get it to compile in 21.9, and removed the LayoutTranslationHelper and (most) places it was being used. There is one part writePixInnerEndcapDict where it was not clear how it would work without the translation helper, but I think this is not needed for step 2.2 so I just commented it out for now.

Once I recompile some clients locally, I could get `HITtoRDO' to complete, although I have not checked the output yet, since there are many errors triggered like:

HITtoRDO 15:46:30 SpecialPixelMapSvc ERROR Unable to retrieve the number of chips for module idhash 0 HITtoRDO 15:46:30 SpecialPixelMapSvc ERROR Unable to retrieve the number of chips for module idhash 1

NB, this is using the GeoTag ATLAS-P2-ITK-20-03-00 and so should not be looking at any local Xml files that are included in the updated package (?). However, I guess that somewhere in this update there is still some part which is shifting the ranges and causing this problem with the hashes. I'll continue looking myself, but perhaps someone more familiar with the development of this package than me already has an idea.

FYI @npetters @asalzbur @ncalace @goblirsc @lmijovic @nova

UPDATE: Thanks to @ncalace taking a look, it was discovered that recompiling EndcapRingRef allows everything to work, and the missing elements are now back in place. No changes are observed in step 2.2 tests. Therefore, moving this out of WIP.

The necessary package list for recompilation is therefore

InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/InDetTrackingGeometryXML InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/PixelLayouts/BarrelInclinedRef InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/PixelLayouts/EndcapRingRef InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/PixelLayouts/PixelServicesTool InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetSLHC_Example

Edited by Nicholas Styles

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