WIP: Fix in the MM RDO->PRD converter
Fixing the way the presence of non-valid MM identifiers is handled in the MM RDO->PRD converter. modified: MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonMM_CnvTools/src/MmRdoToPrepDataTool.cxx
Edited by Stefano Rosati
GitLab jobs artifacts no longer stored forever as of Monday, November 4th 08:30h. Further information under https://cern.ch/otg0152576
Fixing the way the presence of non-valid MM identifiers is handled in the MM RDO->PRD converter. modified: MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonMM_CnvTools/src/MmRdoToPrepDataTool.cxx