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JetSubStructureMomentTools: Modifying ECF tools for flexible configurations

Jason Robert Veatch requested to merge jveatch/athena:21.2-ECFBeta into 21.2

This adds flexibility to the configuration of energy correlator tools such that a custom list of beta values can be provided as an argument. It has been shown that beta = 1.0 is sub-optimal for jet collections that use tracking information for JSS moments, such as TCC jets and TAR/SAT jets. These changes will allow individual analyses to optimize beta and will play an important role in retraining the W/top taggers for precision recommendations. A default value of 1.0 is always added to the list and any duplicate values are removed. The changes have been implemented in such a way to keep backwards compatibility for the existing beta configurations.

Edited by Jason Robert Veatch

Merge request reports
