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Fix configuration order for slimming helper in TOPQ derivations

Knut Zoch requested to merge kzoch/athena:deriv/rcjet-substruc-fix into 21.2

Related JIRA ticket: ANALYSISTO-746

This fixes an issue observed in TOPQ derivations since Due to a code restructure and addition of new jet collections, the collections of origin-corrected cluster LCOriginTopoClusters and EMOriginTopoClusters disappeared in the derivation output. They are now restored with this MR (as is the AntiKt10TruthJets collection). Essentially the problem was just an overwritten python dictionary that used to contain default config entries for these cluster collections. With the overwrite, these default configs were gone.

I validated the changes by comparing TOPQ1 derivations produced with AthDerivation and, once with, once without the fix. The containers reappear with the fix. Running with AnalysisTop on the derivation output also works with UseRCJetSubstructure turned on (which it didn't since the bug was introduced). I did the same validation with the latest nightly and fix implemented/not implemented.

Edited by Tomas Dado

Merge request reports
