WIP Added schema evolution in BS
This MR adds schema evolution for BS serialsiation. Also syntetic tests are added. Tagging @ssnyder
Merge request reports
added 210 commits
0dee6bdf...02f41443 - 209 commits from branch
- 2bd71cd7 - reduced scope of testing in bs reading test
0dee6bdf...02f41443 - 209 commits from branch
I did not. Just waiting (very) patiently for feedback from @ssnyder
Hi @ssnyder, Sorry to bug you. I can go ahead but only with "commented out" code actually triggering the schema evolution. The thing is that the code I wrote does not do the job evn if it is a mirror of existing code. I am not sure if I understand how the old code actually worked. Cheers, Tomasz
Ah --- you're not actually converting the data anywhere!
The way i did it relied on the implicit conversions done by root, by passing the desired type into ReadObjectAny via TrigTSerializer. That's why the aux type handling happens before the derserialization. In your code, it's the other way round, which makes it much more awkward.
Thanks, That makes it clear. So far we wrote 0 bytes of data with this so it can all be changed. I need now to check with @gemmeren if the "offline" serializer is equally capable. The exact code doing deserialisation is this one: https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/blob/master/Database/AthenaPOOL/AthenaPoolCnvSvc/src/AthenaRootSerializeSvc.cxx#L83
Would ReaObjectAny be needed there?
Edited by Tomasz Bold