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Updates to HIGG3D1 derivation format

David Richard Shope requested to merge dshope/athena:HIGG3D1-TruthThinning into 21.2

This MR makes the following updates to the HIGG3D1 derivation format (size testing done on dilepton ttbar):

  • Loosen the lepton skim requirements slightly, requested by H->aa->bbmumu (increase size by ~10%)
  • Add TruthBoson and TruthTaus containers to output (increase size by ~3%)
  • Remove the preservation of descendants to the selection particle types in TruthParticle container (decrease size by ~24%)
  • Add DFCommonMuonsPreselection variable to muon skim requirements (decrease size by ~15%)
  • Remove AntiKt4PV0TrackJets and add AntiKt10LCTopoTrimmedPtFrac5SmallR20Jets + AntiKt10TruthTrimmedPtFrac5SmallR20Jets (increase size by ~2%)
  • Save AntiKt4TruthDressedWZJets (instead of AntiKt4TruthWZJets) and add TruthWbosonWithDecay containers

All together, these changes amount to an expected 24% further reduction in dilepton ttbar. An even larger size reduction is expected for the overal format size. Supplementary slides were presented in one of the HWW Plenary meetings:

Edited by David Richard Shope

Merge request reports
