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Externals Update, master branch (2019.03.12.)

This is to update to atlasexternals-2.0.26. The changes in this tag are (atlasexternals@2.0.25...2.0.26):

  • Added FindHJets.cmake for finding the HJets generator (@ewelina);
  • Added prmon as a new external to AthenaExternals (@amete);
  • Fixed the generation of .d files for Ninja, to make dictionary generation behave correctly with this build tool (@fwinkl);
  • Updated FindQt5.cmake to both fix a bug (ATLINFR-2967) in it, and to make it create "simple" variables for the include directories and linked libraries to use (@rbianchi).

To demonstrate how the new version of FindQt5.cmake can be used, I also updated VP1Base to use ${QT5_INCLUDE_DIRS} and ${QT5_LIBRARIES} instead of the imported targets. The reason for this change was explained in detail in atlasexternals!458 (merged).

Edited by Attila Krasznahorkay

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