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Preparation for retrained b-taggers

Dan Guest requested to merge dguest/athena:enable-rnn into 21.2

This extends !21851 (merged) and !23084 (merged), and adds more C++ and python changes that we need to run retrained taggers. It still does not change any outputs1: to make that happen we still have to comment in a few additional lines.

I've consolidated the jet collection to neural network mapping into one file that lives in BTagging/python. Right now this consists of a few empty lists, but as soon as we add some mappings to these lists a few things will happen:

  • The AOD fix will start saving additional impact parameter information to all tracks
  • The old versions of the taggers we're replacing will be disabled
  • New versions of several taggers will start running on select jet collections

Attention: @guirriec, @lidiaz, @cschiavi.

  1. No differences were found running over FTAG1.

Edited by Dan Guest

Merge request reports
