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Implementation of insitu JES calibration for Large Jets

Several changes were made in JetCalibTools in order to implement the insitu JES calibration for Large Jets. The basic idea is that after the EtaJES is applied, then the JMS correction is computed for calorimeter (calo) and track assisted (TA) mass jets. Afterwards, the insitu JES is applied to these two set of jets, and finally the combined mass correction is calculated using as inputs the calo and the TA mass jets already calibrated up to the insitu JES level. First, the JMSCorrection and the InsituDataCorrection had to be changed in order to store the calo and TA calibrated jets under a certain scale name after each correction is applied. Also the InsituDataCorrection was changed to apply this correction to these two sets of jets in the context of large jets, instead of applying it to the default scale. The JMSCorrection needed to be changed so that there is a first initialization where the calo and TA mass jets are computed and stored. Then the insituJES is applied to them, and finally the JMSCorrection is initialize once again but using a different config file, and this time the combined mass correction is computed using the calo and TA mass jets (calibrated up to the insitu JES) as inputs. JetCalibrationTool also needed to be changed in order to add the second initialization of the JMSCorrection, adding also a new term on the Calibration Sequence (“InsituCombinedMass”).

I’m tagging @sschramm and @cdelitzs for further details also.

Edited by Maria Florencia Daneri

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